Shiljo PaulsonCaching StrategiesImproving performance in turn improves the response time which in turn improves the overall experience of the application because nobody…Feb 28, 2022Feb 28, 2022
Shiljo PaulsonSeveral ways to Compare two C# objects while Unit TestingSo as per dictionary compare meansAug 26, 2021Aug 26, 2021
Shiljo PaulsonValidating with Fluent ValidationIn my initial days of my career when there is need to add an validation to the model class. I was using Data Annotations provided by the…Sep 27, 2019Sep 27, 2019
Shiljo PaulsonAutomation with SeleniumSelenium was an internal project at ThoughtWorks in 2004 developed by Jason Huggins. Internally while in discussion over email he…Jul 23, 2017Jul 23, 2017
Shiljo PaulsonAutomation with Selenium — Part 2In the previous post we discussed about a breif history and the architecture of Selenium. In this post we will discuss about Selenium IDE…Jul 24, 2017Jul 24, 2017
Shiljo PaulsonAutomation with Selenium — Part 3This post is a continuation of the previous post on Automation with Selenum — Part 2. In this post we will be looking on how automation…Jul 25, 2017Jul 25, 2017